Monday 4 July 2016

Ownership and Funding


Public Service Broadcasting

Public service broadcasting are TV programmes that are broadcast mainly for the public other than for commercial purposes. These programmes are; Local news coverage, arts programmes and religious broadcasts. A great example for this is BBC as they do not provide any advertisement within the programmes, there broadcasting in the UK is license free as they do not sell advertisement time.

Commercial Broadcasting

Commercial broadcasting is also called private broadcasting. This is the broadcasting of television programmes and radio programming which is by a privately owned corporate media. It is based on the practice of airing radio and television advertisements for profit. A prime example for commercial broadcasting is ITV as they advertise something between almost every programme and even in between the programmes.

Corporate and Private OwnershipOriginal MTV Logo

This is a private held company or a close corporation which is a business company owned by either non-governmental organizations or by a small number of shareholders/company members which don't offer or trade its shares to the public. You will find that with private ownership that the channels are aimed at a particular target audience, an example of this is MTV which is aimed at an audience between 16-24 years old.

Global Companies

Global companies function and they trade globally or internationally. Usually, they have different variations of the same item to cater for globally different markets. Global companies manage to engage a wider audience due to everyone in the world being able to tune in. An example for this is YouTube as it is a website/company where anyone is able to upload videos and there is something for everyone to watch.

Vertical Integration

Vertical integration is where the production company has the ownership of the means of production and distribution and exhibition of the film by the same company, as they have all of this they then receive all profit made by the film. It has the expansion of a firm into a few different steps which provide either the production path of the supply chain. A prime example of this is 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' Created by Warner Bros. This film was marketed using different Time Warner's companies, for example, HBO which ran behind the scenes making of Harry Potter 7 before it was released in the cinema. This was done to increase viewers for when the film was finally released.

Horizontal Integration

Horizontal integration is the process in which a company increases production of goods at the same part of the supply chain. Companies will do this via internal expansion. This process can lead to buying out other companies to make themselves bigger. An example for this is 'Casino Royale' which is mostly made by companies owned by Sony i.e. Columbia pictures but other companies helped out, such as MGM which is based in America. The reason for Casino Royale being a horizontal integration is because it expanded into other companies during the creation of the film.

The License Fee:

The license fee is the amount of money which is paid by an individual or a business straight to a government agency giving them the privilege of performing a certain service. It is also a sum which is paid to use a copyright item such as a photograph of a logo that is owned by someone else.


Subscription in media means that you have to pay either daily, monthly of annually fees towards TV broadcasting. Corporate companies such as SKY charge you monthly as they own and you are paying for channels such as Discovery, Sky Atlantic and Sky sports. If you pay the monthly subscriptions you are able to watch any of these channels as you pay for there licensing.

One-off payment to own one product

A one-off payment is when you pay just once and the product is then yours forever, you will pay just once and will have the channel/product forever. A prime example of this is a DVD which you buy and then you are able to watch it as many times as you wish, just because the DVD is yours, that doesn't enable you to create a copy of the DVD and sell it on.

Pay per view

A pay per view is a television service where viewers have to pay a fee to enable them access to watch a specific programme. Virgin media use pay per view even if you are already paying a subscription, although you are already paying, you may have to pay a small fee to watch a match when it is broadcasted.


Sponsorship is when a company/broadcaster is impressed with the work you have produced and would sponsor you to make more. Once you have been payed to create more then your work will be aired. Companies often look for people to sponsor when they need help in promotion. An example for this is ŠKODA who sponsor Mystery Drama on ITV. They sponsor; Midsomer Murders, Vera, Foyle's War, Lewis and the BAFTA award winning Broadchurch.


Advertising is a way for a broadcaster to continue airing shows, by including advertising spaces, companies pay for the broadcasters to show there product. By including adverts, the broadcaster can then pay for different shows. If a channel has a high amount of viewers then the expense for the company is going to be higher when posting there advert. The slots during a programme such as Coronation street are going to be worth millions due to it being on a high viewed channel. Compare the market (Meerkat) is a popular advert on ITV which is recognized by many.

Product Placement

This is were a company will pay a producer to pay for there product to be placed in there programme/film, sometimes the owner of the film will want there product to be enhanced in there show. An example of product placement is this clip from Wayne's World which promotes Pizza Hut, Doritos, Reebok, Nuprin, and Pepsi.

Private Capital

Private Capital is a broadcaster that is funded directly by a private owner or company. A prime example of this is how Facebook have just bought Oculus to help them to continue developing software's for users. Both companies will gain a profit from doing this.

Crowd Funding

This is where the public donates money to a movie you have published to a specific website, All the money received from donations will help to create and produce the movie. An example of this is Kick starter which is a website where people upload there ideas which people can view and donate money if they think the idea is going to do well.

Development Funds

Development funds are there to help develop the quality, ambition and range for film directors in the UK. It is possible to to apply for development funds but you are not necessarily going to get them. I fouy are going apply for these funds you are best off going through these programmes:

  • First Feature Film Development Programme
  • Feature Film Development Programme
  • Production Company Vision Awards
  • Signature Awards

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