Thursday 28 January 2016

Evaluation: PG Tips Re branding


For this project we were given the task to re-brand a Unilever product as a group of 3. The aim was to recreate the product so it would be suitable for a different target audience. The task was to change the
target audience to any age from what is is already advertised as.

In our group there was; Me, Liam and Toby. Before we started to plan out advert, both Liam and Toby were already analyzing PG Tips but i was initially researching Ben and Jerry's. The idea of PG Tips seemed to be a better idea as were easily able to adjust the age range. PG Tips is aimed at the older generation so we chose to create an advert suitable for teenagers.

Toby created a survey on survey monkey which was sent out to members of our class as they are all in the age range of our target audience. I thought that the survey was an easy yet effective idea to get some feedback on our work.

All the sound in our advert is sound effects off apart from the kettle switch at the beginning, Liam placed all of the sound effects into the advert and i was really impressed with the outcome, by watching the advert it is really difficult to notice they are only sound effects, The first scene was a bit of a struggle considering i had to film the clip with my hands and not a steady cam as i had to place the camera down in the correct position which would be hard if the camera was mounted. The shot wasn't too shaky but we added a stabilizer too enhance smoothness. The stabilizer didn't work as well as we wanted as there was a little shake but it definitely improved the stability. We kept a piece of string which is the distance from the kettle and camera so that we could try and recreate the same angle and distance for the perfect shots. We also had to improvise with a few materials in Toby's Nan's house so that i could place the camera down in the correct position for the rest of the shots. Most of the shots were all from the right of the actors so you could see the full process of making a cup of tea. We used a tripod for the close up shots so that they were steady.

I am happy with the advert and i think that it sells the product well. The idea of quick shots had a great outcome so it isn't a continuous shot of the same person, it is fast paced and easy to watch. I believe that if we had more happy facial expressions then the product will look more satisfying and would hopefully appeal more to the audience. Through most the shots the PG Tips box was placed in scene so that the audience will always keep an eye on the product, The box was the main focal point so it would stand out more than everything else.

The message that we were trying to send to the audience is that PG Tips isn't just for the older generation and that teenagers can actually drink tea, well in a matter of fact, anyone can drink tea. The advert is appropriate to the target audience as the actors are all teenagers.

Overall i am really please with the outcome of my advert and everything turned out the way i expected. From all the planning we done before hand the advert was created to the way we predicted, throughout this project we managed to work well and focused as a group and met the deadlines so that everything was complete within time. We had a few mishaps in the production of our advert such as forgetting the pg tips box when we got to Toby's house but it wasn't major as he lived within a two minute drive from college.

Here is some feedback from the survey we done on

From this feedback our group was overly happy as the rating from one to ten sat around 7-10. This is great feedback for our work and it shows that many people enjoyed our advert.

This is a list which shows why the viewers gave the rating they did. We saw that someone was impressed with the sound effects and how they fit in well with the timing of the clips, when editing this was a also a point we noticed in which worked well. Someone also stated that the advert suited the target audience which we changed it to. This was great as that was the whole idea of the advert to re brand it to a different target audience.

These were all correct as our advert was re branded to the younger generation as PG Tips is usually branded for the older generation.

There was a few points on our feedback for things which would make the advert better. The first one is how the advert could be shorter, soon we will be creating a 15 and a 30 seconds version of our ad so this point will be complete. Someone asked 'was the slurping necessary' we believe that it was a good idea and that it went in well. Three of the comments on the 'how do you think the advert could have been improved' were positive and said that nothing needed to be changed, this positive feedback is always good. We were told that a wider range of camera angles would have been good, this is a good idea but i think it would be hard considering the rapid cuts between each people so the continuous sequence of making a tea flowed nicely.

This is a graph which shows what viewers think on the advert being clearly advertised. Everyone who completed the survey said that the product is clearly advertised which is helpful for our group.

Overall our feedback was actually really positive and we are happy with the results. There were a few points which i thought were fair and could do with changes but apart from that the feedback shown our advert was suitable for everything we wanted, especially the target audience as that's what the task was to do, re brand for a new target audience.

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